On Reflection

Josh Tracy
1 min readDec 7, 2020


Photo by Marc-Olivier Jodoin on Unsplash

Just last week, in the course of self-assessment with some fine minds, I discovered there is more to the reality of reflection than meets the eyes.

For two decades I thought the juncture of reflection was the contrarian moment( of thinking for yourself).

Little did I realize what most of us conflict as reflection is mere deflection. Most times we claim to be reflecting, we are only blinded by our own self-consuming tendencies, barely do we see our self in the weakest base.

I love the way John Dewey puts it;

“We do not learn from experience, we learn from reflecting on experience.” —

Timmy Brain puts it more succinctly. He asked;

is it that you do not have enough experience or you’re not experiencing enough?

In the end, I learnt the following about true reflection;

  1. It stems from experiencing enough.
  2. It forges us to put our life in perspective.
  3. Other than our self consuming tendencies , true reflection makes us humble.

