One Shocking thing about Instagram Models.

Josh Tracy
1 min readNov 24, 2020


#Shock is an understatement.

Shot on my Redmi note 8 Pro Camera.

I met this girl on Instagram and she looked way super cute, so I asked her out on a date for the weekend

I became skeptical at a point.l, cos she was way quick to accept. Like she looked way too hot and I expected some hard time. To my surprise she lurked in.

I blocked out all schedules for the weekend and met her at the beach only to find out she’s the fattest lady I could ever take out on a date.

It’s disappointing, more than shocking. She became the archetype of what you ordered Vs what was delivered.

It turned out there were Positive things about her

She was time conscious — she got there before me

above all She’s got cute smile.

In fact, i got to know she runs an hair brand, its amazing i ended up helping her migrate her E-commerce store to kitcart.

