Steal Like An Artiste

Josh Tracy
2 min readOct 10, 2023


In the intricate fields of health and law, where lives and justice hang in the balance, trial, and error can be a risky gambit.

In medicine, the stakes are lives; in law, it’s justice.

This is why established wisdom, precedents, and scientific processes reign supreme to minimize these risks and uncertainties.

Picture this: a doctor confronted with a critically ill patient.

Does he choose the path of trial and error, experimenting with untested treatments?

No, he relies on the vast body of medical knowledge that has been painstakingly accumulated over centuries.

Why? Because the consequences of medical trial and error can be fatal.

( we all saw the consequence in the case of Mohbad)

The legal arena dances to a similar tune.

Imagine a courtroom where the fate of an individual hangs in the balance.

The judge and jury don’t rely on gut feelings or random judgments; they turn to legal precedents and established principles.

Here, trial and error have no place; it’s the wisdom of precedent that prevails.

Now why all these epistles?

My point is,

It’s okay to steal like an artist!

In fact, that’s the way to go!

Do not allow the Apostles of ‘trial and error’ misguide you with a warped narrative of how Thomas Edison failed at over 999 attempts to invent the light bulb.

Against the popular story out there, you will be disappointed when you dig in to the story,

The luminary genius, didn’t embark on a journey of chaos and randomness.

He built upon the work of previous inventors like Sir Humphry Davy, Warren de la Rue, and others who had experimented with electric lighting technologies.

Edison didn’t invent the materials used in the light bulb from scratch. He used existing materials like carbon filaments and vacuum pumps that were available at the time.

That said,

How about we weave in a little bit of biblical narrative into this?

Rather than wasting time inventing from scratch even the Creator simply made used of his clipboard.

He did a copy and paste of himself and made man in his image.

He went on to make a woman from an already-made man’s rib.

Food for thought…

If God did,

Law did,

Medicine did,

and Edison did,

Then, who the f**k are you? Not to steal like an artist?

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